Custom Search

How To Use Google ( Part 1 )

  • on Monday, June 14, 2010
  • At this time I want to give you some tips how to use Google as well as correctly (just the basic), in order you can get your information that you find quickly.

    First, use the excerpt mark “……” You can use this mark to find a blog or website that has a sentence that you mean. Example you want to find Modern Technology, You can type it “Modern technology”. If you type like that, Google will display to you all blog or website which has a modern technology sentence. But if you just type Modern Technology (without excerpt mark), Google will display all blog and website that has Modern and Technology word and Modern Technology sentence. Which one is effective? I suggest to not writing a long sentence because you will find nothing from Google.

    Second, you can use the mark + and - (plus and minus). These marks are very useful to find some article. I can’t explain to you how to use it, but you can understand if I give you an example. If you type Hotel + London, Google will give you all information about hotel in London. If you type Hotel – London, Google will give you all information about hotel but without information from London’s hotel. You can combine these marks too. Ex, America + Bank - City Bank, Google will give you information about all banks in America without city bank.

    Last, if necessary you can combine those two ways above. Example, you want to find Modern Technology in America Hotel without Information from Hilton Hotel. You can type “Modern Technology” + America + Hotel – Hilton Hotels.

    to be continued....